2k Clinical Consulting, Inc.

How to have an Inspection-Ready Delegation of Authority Log

The Delegation of Authority (DOA) log is a document that records the delegation of authority for various tasks and decisions related to the conduct of a clinical trial and constitutes a critical facet of clinical trial management of participating clinical sites.  The DOA log should include the names and titles of all the members of the clinical trial team with delegated authority, as well as their respective areas of responsibility. This includes the principal investigator, sub-investigators, clinical research coordinators, and other staff involved in the conduct of the trial.

Best Practices for DOA Maintenance

Maintaining accurate and up-to-date DOA logs is critical to ensure that the trial is conducted in compliance with applicable regulations, guidelines, and standard operating procedures. Best practices for maintaining DOA logs in clinical research are as follows:

Establish clear procedures for DOA log maintenance:

Having a clear set of procedures for maintaining DOA logs is essential for ensuring consistency and accuracy. These procedures should outline who is responsible for maintaining the logs, how often they should be updated, and what information should be included.

Ensure accuracy and completeness of the information:

It is important to ensure that all information recorded in the DOA log is accurate and complete. This includes ensuring that all individuals involved in the trial are listed and that their roles and responsibilities are clearly defined.

Regularly review and update the DOA logs:

DOA logs should be reviewed and updated regularly to ensure that they remain accurate and up-to-date. This is particularly important when there are changes in personnel or when new responsibilities are assigned.

Train personnel on DOA log maintenance:

All personnel involved in the trial should be trained on the importance of maintaining accurate DOA logs and how to properly update them. This can help ensure that everyone involved in the trial understands their roles and responsibilities.

Monitor and audit DOA log maintenance:

Regular monitoring and auditing of DOA log maintenance can help ensure that procedures are being followed, information is accurate and complete, and personnel is properly trained. This can help identify and address any issues before they become more serious problems.


Maintaining accurate and up-to-date DOA logs is essential for effective clinical trial management at a clinical site. By following these best practices, you can help ensure that your DOA logs are accurate, complete, and secure, which can help ensure compliance with regulatory requirements and effective trial administration.

The delegation of authority (DOA) log plays a pivotal role in ensuring the efficacious and efficient conduct of clinical trials, particularly in the context of complex medical interventions. By leveraging the DOA log, clinical trial stakeholders can achieve enhanced coordination, seamless communication, and optimal resource allocation, thereby increasing your site’s audit/inspection readiness and the likelihood of successful trial outcomes.

Need further guidance or training on DOA logs/regulatory documents and how to make them audit and

inspection-ready? Contact us! We’d love to hear from you to discuss strategies!